Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

Water, Texas Film Festival

January 17, 2020

The Water, Texas Film Festival is a film festival that aims to bring awareness to the vital roles water plays in our daily lives.  Our limited supply of water is used for countless things such as brushing our teeth, going for a swim, or watering our plants.  This film festival is a unique opportunity for aspiring filmmakers, Youtubers, or influencers to submit films that focus on water in Texas in some way.

This activity is perfect project-based learning activity for high school students. Some sample film topics and submission guidelines are included on our Water Texas Film Festival activity page.  Water is everywhere and this is an opportunity to communicate how impactful water is to society through the creation of diverse, informative, unique, funny, and thought-provoking films which can be shared with others across the state and nation.     

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