Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

TAEE Annual Conference 2019

October 21, 2019

On September 27 & 28 the Texas Association of Environment Education (TAEE) conference will be taking place in Galveston as a way for educators to celebrate Environmental Education in Texas.  The TAEE conference envisions residents who possess the knowledge, skills, attitudes and commitment to be stewards of the unique resources of Texas.  In spirit of helping to share applicable tools and ideas that help save the environment, we wanted to highlight an activity focused on educating students about recycling.

Sometimes students are unsure of which materials can be recycled and which cannot. There are lots of common recyclable materials such as paper, plastic, and metal which get thrown away because students are not aware that they can be recycled. Our Learn What’s Recyclable activity is designed for K-5 students to teach them about recycling symbols, how to clean their recycling, and ways to reuse. 

There are so many ways to reuse or recycle materials in the classroom.  As educators celebrate Environmental Education, let’s educate students about how to recycle properly!

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