Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

The Watt Watchers of Texas Blog

How is wealth connected to energy?

August 4, 2022
Wealth can be described as the possessions, goods, and liberties that provide a person with a good quality of life. The more wealth a person has, the higher quality of life they can enjoy. When we think of modern wealth, we automatically picture lavish lifestyles, fancy cars, and large beautiful houses. But in reality, the well-being of a community is more complex than material goods. Wealth, security, and innovation go hand in hand. Modern energy has catapulted this aspect of our lives to new heights, uncovering new avenues for our societies to flourish. 
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How is war connected to energy?

August 3, 2022
War has been a part of humanity since the beginning of civilization. We fight wars over water, land, spices, resources, and most importantly, energy. However, people often don't pay much attention to where their energy comes from. They don't see that its influence and contribution to war and national security are incredibly significant and impact everyone's daily lives. 
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How is Transportation Connected to Energy? 

July 13, 2022
Before modern modes of transportation like cars, planes, and ships, travel was drastically different. Long-distance travel was highly energy-intensive. People were unlikely to voyage very far from their birthplace. Moving away from home was only considered under extreme circumstances. Having to rely on animals or sometimes just your own strength to carry you along the […]
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How is Food Connected to Energy? 

June 30, 2022
Our relationship with food has changed dramatically over the history of humanity. We have shifted over time from hunter-gatherer communities to farmers to modern-day consumers. You may not think much about where our food comes from or how it's produced. Yet, how we acquire our food influences our routines in more ways than most people […]
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How is Water Connected to Energy?

June 6, 2022
In our modern world, we use water for almost everything in our daily lives. The sustainable use of our water resources is critical. And the ability to maximize their potential is essential for our way of life. The problem of access to water is more complicated than it might seem. A significant amount of energy is needed to obtain, treat, desalinate and transport water. Consequently, creating a double-edged sword. So why does water seem to come so quickly to our homes if it takes so much energy? And what actions can we take to conserve our water resources?
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Earth Day 2022

May 5, 2022
April 22, 2022, marks the world's fifty-second annual Earth Day. Founded in 1970 in the United States and becoming global in 1990, Earth Day was a social, cultural, and political movement that aimed to restore and revitalize the nation's natural environment. Before this time, the United States, along with much of the rest of the […]
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