Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

The Watt Watchers of Texas Blog

The Fight Against Plastic in 2023

March 9, 2023
The Industrial Revolution brought about a sequence of events that dramatically changed the planet's trajectory. After centuries of consistency, the days of monarchies, travel on horseback, and buying clothes strictly out of necessity slowly faded into the past. New technologies and the ability to use natural resources to maximize and produce energy made it possible for inventions like the steam engine, electric generators, and the incandescent lightbulb to bring humanity into a new age. In a short span, factories made it possible for clothing to be more accessible to the average person. Trains and then cars became standard methods of transportation. Suddenly, crops could be grown in abundance like never before. 
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The Importance of Coral Reefs 

February 22, 2023
Coral reefs are often associated with white sandy beaches, uniquely patterned fish, and brightly colored corals just below the water's surface. We think of corals as the finishing touch to a tropical paradise full of crystal-clear ocean water. But did you know that coral reefs are some of the most complex ecosystems on the planet? […]
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The Impact of Palm Oil 

February 15, 2023
The modern-day person can walk into a grocery or convenience store and buy products with ten ingredients they have never heard of before. In fact, there are some common ingredients that can be found in most of our everyday products whose origin and environmental impact are a mystery to the average person despite their significance. […]
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Global Warming and Natural Disasters: How we influence the weather

February 9, 2023
Global warming has become one of modern history's most talked about topics. When combined with the plastic epidemic, water scarcity, deforestation, and pollution, there are more concerns surrounding the health of our planet and the future of civilization today than ever before. So what causes global warming, and what does it have to do with […]
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Energy Trends And Careers Set To Thrive In 2023 

January 31, 2023
2022 was a huge year for energy. An expected shift to renewables, halted following the energy crisis in Europe and further aggravated by the Russian war on Ukraine, left the energy sector in a scramble to get things back on track. The continued increase in the production of nonrenewable energy, such as coal, which is […]
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The Importance of Glaciers

January 18, 2023
You may not think of glaciers very often. After all, to the average person, they are little more than giant chunks of ice floating around somewhere far away. And in a sense, those who think this are correct. A glacier is fundamentally nothing more than the accumulation of snow compacted over thousands of years to […]
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