Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

The Watt Watchers of Texas Blog

Shining a Light on Solar Energy Jobs: Pathways and Opportunities

August 25, 2023
Sustainability and environmental consciousness are becoming increasingly paramount in our modern environment, augmenting the need to maximize our renewable energy resources. Since the Industrial Revolution, energy has demonstrated a pattern of highlighting the birth of new eras, catapulting new technology into existence, and often improving our quality of life. However, it has also become evident that today's solutions often prove to be tomorrow's problems. 
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Navigating a Career in Energy Policy and Advocacy

August 16, 2023
In a world, ever more attuned to the pressing need for environmentally conscious solutions, the realm of energy policy and advocacy emerges as a game changing arena of action. This exciting domain has the potential to not only shape the trajectory of energy systems—it has the power to manipulate the very fabric of our global commitment to a greener future.
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How Solar Power Can Save the Bees 

June 8, 2023
Scientists estimate that 35% of the world's food production and 75% of its flowering plants rely on bees and other pollinators. These insects and animals were once a flourishing part of the ecosystem. Many even considered them pests. However, as the planet began to experience the effects of climate change, and pollution, the delicate ecosystems we rely on for food and water began taking a huge hit. Changes in their environment, coupled with the use of pesticides and a loss of habitat, have led to a dramatic decline in their population around the globe. 
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4 Alternatives to Concrete You Need to Discover

May 24, 2023
Concrete is one of the most commonly consumed products on the planet, second only to water. 4.4 billion tons are produced annually and is projected to increase to 5.5 billion by 2050. Its durability, strength, and cost-effectiveness have made it a go-to for builders for centuries. Structures made from concrete can last for generations. But at what cost? If you've read our blog on The Truth About Concrete and The Environment, you know there are plenty of reasons to make the switch to more eco-friendly alternatives. From the excessive carbon emissions produced throughout the manufacturing process to its water intensity, the obstacles created by concrete production are beginning to outweigh the benefits of the end product. So what else can builders use? Keep reading to find out!
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The Truth About Concrete and The Environment

May 18, 2023
Humanity has used concrete to build, protect and fortify communities for centuries. Made from a mixture of cement, water, sand, and gravel, its durability and cost-effectiveness have made it one of the most popular mediums for everything from the world's largest construction projects to homemade decorative vases. As time has passed and new building techniques […]
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5 Tips for a More Sustainable Yard

May 10, 2023
Did you know that the type of lawn you have can contribute to global warming and significantly impact energy and water consumption? It's true! From overwatering to using gas-powered lawn mowers and spraying chemical fertilizers, there are several ways in which your lawn care routine could wreak havoc on the environment. So what is there to do? When guests visit, your lawn is the first chance to make a first impression. Thankfully there is no need to stress; you can make many simple and easy changes to reduce your lawn's effect on the environment while keeping it healthy and beautiful. Let's dive in and explore some tips and tricks to help you create a beautiful, eco-friendly yard!
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