The Watt Watchers of Texas program is administered by the University of Texas at Austin and distributed by Disco Learning Media. The program is sponsored by the Texas State Energy Conservation Office (SECO).
Students, teachers, families – anyone can use the online website and form a Watt Watchers of Texas patrol. An example could be a classroom studying an energy unit, an energy related extra curricular group, or even a service organization or after school group. Parents and community leaders may also use activities or lesson plans contained on this site to inform a conversation about conservation or to save energy and money outside of school.
Watt Watchers of Texas is an online collection of resources that is accessible 24/7. For student patrols, groups can patrol before and after school, once a week, during their energy unit, or whenever it will fit into your schedule. Other activities and projects are appropriate for in-class or homework assignments throughout the year as appropriate for your lesson plans.
The training and support necessary for the Watt Watchers of Texas program are absolutely free, thanks to funding from SECO, and they are all available on this site. Explore to find curriculum supplements, lesson plans, and projects for all grades K-12, and much more.
Why should administrators and staff work to save energy? One answer is money. Reducing school energy costs can increase dollars available in the school district budget for educational uses. From a global perspective, saving energy saves natural resources and reduces associated environmental problems.
Energy efficiency is everyone’s responsibility. School is a significant part of the student’s world, and the Watt Watcher program is a proven method of teaching energy efficient habits while reducing school electric bills. Our energy future depends on decisions students will make about energy use; Watt Watchers gives them the opportunity to make a difference now by “doing something” for their school.
This website includes the sequence of steps for organizing and implementing Student Patrols Programs as well as tickets, thank you notes, patrol records, student contracts, and other materials for teaching and motivating students and staff. Copy and distribute the material as freely as needed. Remember, it is all free to your school. Even if Student Patrols are not the right fit for your school or this semester, the wide range of lessons, activities, and projects can supplement in-class teaching and learning and take the lessons learned into the real world.
You can download and print any materials for free from this website. You may want to keep in mind the environmental implications of printing and reprinting online resources. If you do need further assistance you can contact us by email at We will update this site routinely with updated information regarding teacher training, events, or updated resources.
If you have questions about the program or getting connected with other Watt Watchers teachers, reach out to our Program Manager.
We'd love to help answer any questions and help you get started! Drop us a line and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.
Watt Watchers of Texas
204 E. Dean Keeton Street, Austin, Texas 78712
Nos encantaría contestarle cualquier pregunta que tenga y ayudarle empezar! Envíenos un mensaje y nos pondremos en contacto con usted lo antes posible.
Watt Watchers de Texas
204 E. Dean Keeton Street, Austin, Texas 78712