Watt Watchers of Texas: Texas is Too Good To Waste™

Watt Watcher's Energy Education STEM Programs for Kids


Watt Watchers of Texas couldn’t exist without the help from our sponsors.

What is Watt Watchers?

Watt Watchers of Texas is an energy efficiency program designed to help schools and families save energy and money.
Read more about the history of the program here.

Lil’ Tex, Ann, and The Wasters Gang

Watt Watchers is a story of saving Texas resources, and every story has a hero and a villain. Meet ours here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Watt Watchers of Texas.

Behind the Scenes

The Watt Watchers of Texas program is administered by the University of Texas at Austin and distributed by Disco Learning Media. The program is sponsored by the Texas State Energy Conservation Office (SECO).
Here are the folks who make it happen.

About the State Energy Conservation Office

The mission of the State Energy Conservation Office is to maximize energy efficiency while protecting the environment.

Advisory Board

The Watt Watchers of Texas Advisory Board is an informal group of educators, energy managers, and other stakeholders. We couldn't make the program go without them!

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